
Armenian Church Services

The year 2020 was ‘special’ – in many ways. Unfortunately, the pandemic and its devastating impact was top of mind for most of the year hoped and prayed that the

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Supporting an Artsakh Family

Following the war in Artsakh, countless Artsakhtsi families were displaced and many lost their loved ones. When AAOP learned of a family of 8 from Sushi, who had lost their

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Thank you for Your Support!

Special Thank you acknowledgement to the following people who have been instrumental with AAOP! Dr. Talin Babikian for her pro bono parent connect services Father Ghevont Kirazian, the deacons, the

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Remote Learning Through COVID

COVID-19 has had an immeasurable impact on families, especially those of children with special needs. With the pandemic halting all in-person services, children have had no choice but to engage

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Parent Connect

Parent Connect started as a space for parents to come together, share their experiences and challenges of raising children with ASD, and connect with each other.  Each attendee is required

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